How Do You Manage Change and Chaos in Business?
In a corporate situation or even in a startup, many things come into play that are simply beyond your control. Given this, it is inevitable that from time-to-time, chaos may occur. Consider the following two examples:
During a merger or acquisition, employees are almost always put in a situation where they have to justify their existence and continued employment.
A big project that you're working on is not going well and you have to course correct.
What are some key ways that you can represent yourself that can help you manage through troubled times? Here are three things I personally do and recommend to clients during times of change or uncertainty:
1. Make a plan: Document the things you need to get done and put some tangible dates around them. I always find that, even when there's chaos all around you, if you focus on something very simple like a task plan or project plan, it will help you stay centered while ignoring some of the chaos.
2. Develop tunnel vision: Don’t get caught up in the drama that is going on around you. Stay focused on you, your successes, and all of your accomplishments.
3. Be fearless: Believe that you can navigate any situation — and you may not get the outcome you want — but whatever the outcome, it will contribute to future success.
The most important thing to remember during chaos is to believe in yourself. Contact me today for a consultation to discuss your chaotic situation.